Réduction des pertes d’eau
Réduction des pertes d’eau
Réduction des fuites et de l’eau non génératrice de revenu
With a two-way fixed communications network continuously monitoring points along the network, utilities receive information within the hour on leakage as well as exceptional events such as bursts in the pipes or failure of other network elements.
Non-Revenue Water (“NRW”) – According to World Bank estimates, NRW has an estimated value of more than $32 billion per year worldwide. This figure represents treatment and distribution costs and the missed billing revenues of water that is “lost” through the system before it reaches customers. NRW is caused by a combination of apparent losses: meter error, under-estimation of meter reads, incorrect size/types of water meters, bypassed meters (theft), and real leakage losses. A comparison of the levels of potential leakage among different zones within a system would allow utilities to prioritize maintenance projects that will have the greatest impact in terms of reducing NRW losses in order to best manage resources.
Powercom Solution:
Master meters are installed at the entrances of the network and at the various junctions. Daily two way communications synchronizes all the water meters’ real time clocks ensuring accuracy of the data analysis. At every predefined interval (hour), all meters register the readings at the same time and transmit the data wirelessly.
All the water meters under the corresponding hierarchy report total flow in order for the system to continuously monitor, calculate and report any discrepancies and un-normative consumption profiles. The management software calculates the water loss in each pipe segment and sends an alert notification (including information on the location of the event – area/neighborhood/ dwelling) by SMS or email to the system operators providing real time notification of losses for rapid response. The network administrator can receive information on losses in each sector by cubic meter and the financial impact can be calculated in order to receive an accurate assessment of the feasibility to perform routine maintenance or invest in replacing infrastructure.
In addition, by calculating the water loss, the distributor may be able to pay the supplier only for the real consumption. This data is essential to determine the losses in the water grid, which can extend up to 70% depending on the infrastructure.